Admiror Gallery Demo

Admiror Gallery Joomla! Extension creates image gallery from folder of images. Creation of thumb images is automatic. Additional Gallery's look&feel is very flexible and modular.

Custom Templates

Classic Template + Slimbox Popup


Simple Flash Template

Custom Popups

Gartz Template + Slimbox Popup


Gartz Template + Fancybox Popup


Gartz Template + Pirobox Popup


Album support, Paginations Support, Image Manager and much more...

About Joomla!


Joomla! is a free and open source content management system (CMS) for publishing content on the World Wide Web and intranets. With a vibrant volunteer community, user-friendly features and plenty of power, Joomla is perfect for your website!

Joomla! is written in PHP, uses object-oriented programming (OOP) techniques and software patterns, stores data in a MySQL database, and includes features such as page caching, RSS feeds, printable versions of pages, news flashes, blogs, polls, search, and support for language internationalization.

Joomla! is property of Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.

Read more about Joomla! at




penetration testing tools


Admiror Gallery 5.x BETA for Joomla 3.x

BETA release of fifth generation of Admiror Gallery, release 5.0.0.

It's all in one installer with all tools and extensions installed at ones and ready for use.

Some of major changes in fifth generation of Admiror Gallery are: * Album Support improved * Security fixes * Optimized and removed some obsolete code

You can download it on Admiror Joomla! Community forum.



Admiror Frames 2.1.0 Released 13/09/2013
Admiror Frames 2.1.0 that fixes problem with path generation and display problems on LTR sites.
Admiror Columnizer & Admiror Frames for Joomla! 3
We published Admiror Columnizer & Admiror Frames for Joomla! 3.

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SEO Service by New York company Four Dots